
Bound: 2020
Book for AreYouBookEnough
Binding: bound with metal binding screws

This is a book I've made for the monthly AreYouBookEnough-challenge on Instagram. This is a bookart community hosted by Sarah Maker that makes a book every month inspired by a certain theme. This is my answer to the theme 'weathered'.

On the first of September I hung 31 white sheets of paper on my drying rack out in my garden. One for every day in September and one extra.
As the month went on I photographed them regularly, during all weather types.
More then ones, I had to go out during the early morning to gather all the sheets that had fallen down and were scattered around.
As expected the colour changed, due to the sun, and they curled and tore up.
To my surprise they became stiffer and stiffer. I expected that they would end up as a big pile of pulp, but the opposite was true. At the end of the month I could get rid of the pegs and they would just stay on the line in their curled up shape.

On the 30th of September, I 'bound' my weathered papers into a book that holds the weather data of September 2020. On each page I stamped the average temperature, the millimeters of rain and hours of sun of all the days in September. It represents the weather conditions these papers endured.