My name is Emmy van Eijk. I design, make and bind books in all shapes and sizes. My paper- and bookbinding works are published here under the name Papertrail.

I am not new to the world of bookbinding. It was introduced to me at a young age by my creative mother as well as the bookbinder and artist Roswitha Witten. I watched them and they taught me how books are made.

After a couple of detours, I decided to follow a papertrail in 2017.
That means I successfully finished two years of bookbinding classes by the 'Vakopleiding Handboekbinden'. I regularly participate in the AreYouBookEnough-challenge on Instagram. And I have set up a bookbinding workplace to be able to spend as much time as possible on making books.

Books are my passion. I enjoy reading, love the feeling of a pile of paper running through my hands, always look at how and with what materials books are made. But most of all, I like making them myself. My background in architecture and carpentry is very useful. I look at books as three-dimensional objects, with a spacial construction. Also the elements are not separate; all parts of the book are connected and influence each other. The content cannot be seen separate from the cover.

In my work I try to make books with their own (somewhat quirky) identity, that nevertheless seem clean and effortless. I like to use surprising materials or elements. Beauty and subtleness (however abstract that may be) is always something to strive for.

You can follow my papertrail on Instagram by the name @papertrail_books.
Would you like to know more, work together or ask me a question, please do not hesitate to contact me. You can send me a message on Instagram or email me at